Happy Tails for Sudley (formerly Paisley (Lee))
August 13, 2011
Hi LRR!!!!!
It’s us – Maggie and Sudley (formerly Misty and Paisley/Lee). You can call us Mags and Suds though – that is what our friends call us – and heck, you guys are family!!! We wanted to drop you a note to fill you in on how lucky we are to find our forever home!!!
Maggie was a lucky girl and found her forever home in July 2006 – so she has been with Mom for five years now!!! Mom just put in Mags’ paperwork for LOL, so we are hoping she gets accepted. You certainly wouldn’t know Mags was 7 years old by her sassy and playful attitude though!! Well, Mom decided that Mags needed a companion – at least that is what Mom says. We think Mom just had so much extra love to give, that she wanted another Labbie around the house. But it is OK if Mom uses Maggie as the reason!!! Actually, Maggie wasn’t too thrilled at first when Sudley (a feisty 2.5 year old) joined the family in May 2011!! The day after Suds got here, Mags had that look to Mom like “Well, that lady who brought him left. Did she realize she forgot to take him with her? He is still here! When is he going home?” After a few more days though, Mags realized that Suds was HOME, and she has dealt with it pretty well!!! Suds is quite the snuggler, and with that really big tongue he has, well he gives some serious puppy kisses!!! The two of us play together, and Mom loves to see that. One thing Mom hates is that we try to chase the kitties in the house (they are old, so Mom worries) – so Mom has been working “No Chase” with us. Why do Moms have to take all the fun out of things – oh well, small price to pay for having a forever home with tons and tons of love!!!! We love to go for walks and chase the ball (Chuck-Its are the best, since Mom throws like a girl)!!! And we both settle quite nicely after playing!!!
Oh, Mom told us that we will be adding to our family!!! A couple months ago, a man came to the house for a couple weeks. He is really cool and spoiled us with lots of love and attention. He throws the ball way better than Mom does!!! Well, Mom said he is coming home from the desert very soon and his name is Dad!!!! She said Dad has to put in his LRR paperwork to make it official – but that he loves us just as much, if not more than, Mom does!!! How lucky are we????? We get to be adopted (which to us means they choose to love us, not have to love us) twice – without losing our forever home or our Mom!!!
Well, until next time!! We think we hear Mom calling us to go for a walk!! Take care and thanks so much for helping both of us find our forever home!!!
Luvs, Hugs, and Puppy Kisses-
Maggie (Mags) and Sudley (Suds)