Happy Tails for Daisy
January 31, 2011
Hi everyone it’s Daisy. I thought I would let all my friends out there know how I am doing in my forever home. I figure I have lots of friends since I was on the web site for so long.
First I would like to thank all you nice people that came to visit me thinking I might be your forever one - I am sorry I acted the fool but I knew there were better Labbies for you.
I finally found my forever home and Life is Good. I have a Mom and Dad (Mom stays home so she has lots of time to play with me). I also have a BIG LLR brother and an Irish Water Spaniel sister who likes to run around in the yard with me.
My Dad walks me every morning before he goes to work and I get to greet all my friends and see if there are any new smells. After my walk I get to jump back in bed with Mom for some snuggle time (Mom says I am a good snuggler). Later in the morning I take Mom outside for some ball playing - that is lots of fun. In the afternoon Mom takes me for a walk and then it is supper time (Yum). Dad comes home and in the evening we bond over some TV watching.
I have lots of 4 legged friends and family to play with too. My boyfriend , a Bassett Hound, lives across the street and comes over for play days. In my family everyone has dogs and we all get to go to all the family gatherings and parties - sometime us 4 legged guys out number the 2 legged ones.
I have an Aunt that lives on the water and I like to go visit her, yes Daisy likes to swim. This past summer Mom and Dad took me to Ocean City and I got to ride the waves - that was fun. I also enjoyed strutting on the boardwalk and having people pet me and tell me how pretty I am.
Life has been good - I have a great family who loves me to death, you know you are loved when you get nicknames - I am called Daisy Doodle, Doodle Bug and my favorite Love Bug.
Well I got to go now Mom wants to play ball - check back for more updates, and remember I am not on Face Book or Twitter, you can only find me on www.LRR.org/dogs/happy¬_tails.org
Love and Licks to all