Loyal Order of Labradors™
The Loyal Order of Labradors™ (LOL) was established in 2003 by Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc. (LRR) to provide assistance to Adopters and their Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc. dogs aged seven years or older.
Lollie starts her day with a walk and game of ball as soon as she gets up in the morning. After breakfast she joins brother Buddy at the patio door for a view of the yard. Lollie plays with squeaky toys or chews on a bone. Other favorite activities are following her person around the house and having at least one nap each day. She goes for walks and plays in a fenced-in area several times a day. After dinner, Lollie likes to snuggle on the couch. At bedtime, she joins her person and Labbie brother, Buddy.
Buddy is a busy Labbie! He goes outside as soon as he wakes up in the morning for a walk and/or run in an enclosed area. After breakfast Buddy likes to jump back into his person’s bed for awhile. He spends the day chewing bones, lying by the patio door – with a great view of squirrels and birds. He loves to hang out with his person, especially if she is cooking. Buddy also goes for several walks during the day or explores his fenced space. After dinner he likes to snuggle on the couch. At bedtime he joins his person and his Labbie sister, Lollie!
What a helpful retriever Priscilla is! While hanging out in her yard, she helps her family with outdoor chores. All that work means lots of rest and food! Priscilla is awake and eager for breakfast at 6 AM, naps for a bit, and then goes for a walk. She relaxes some more, unless something is happening in her yard. She looks for dinner beginning at 2 PM, even though mealtime is 4 PM. She eagerly anticipates snack time at 7 PM, and then may spend a few minutes chew on an antler before it’s time for bed.
Katie Jane needs a nap every morning after breakfast. She’s definitely not a “morning girl” and needs that little extra sleep after eating. Once she really awakens, she is ready for play. She grabs a favorite soft toy for a rousing game of fetch in the hallway. On her trips outside, Katie Jane rolls down the hill on her back and chases birds, squirrels and cats out of her yard. She loves back and tummy rubs. After a full day of fun, she naps in the afternoon so that she is awake enough to notify her family that it is time for her dinner. Following her evening meal, she falls asleep again, dozing until morning.

Daisy is awake by 5:00 AM for breakfast and a bit of her parents’ morning meal. Then she is hard at work work doing her favorite job – supervising the packing of lunches her parents take to work. She usually has a nibble of their lunchtime food, too! A relative gives Daisy a mid-day romp in the yard and, of course, a snack. She tends to her second job of protecting her yard against critters such as squirrels. She’s waiting at the door when her parents arrive home after work. Daisy gets a mile-long lap around her neighborhood in the evening, greeting her human friends and collecting pets from them. She spends evenings with chores or watching television before calling it a day.

Variety is the spice of life for Opie, a senior Labbie. His family travels extensively, so he sees different scenery almost every day. He relaxes at home on some days and on others, he walks with his family. Opie welcomes a long and strenuous hike of four to six miles, especially if it involves climbing hills, an easy exercise for this fit Labbie. He is a great fan of dog parks, where he usually centers his attention on one dog friend!

Nigel enjoys an early breakfast. Then he meanders around his yard, looking for anything that may be of interest to a curious Labbie. After all that work, it’s time for a morning nap. By 9:00 AM, he is energized again and walks through the neighborhood with Mom and his furry brother, followed by another nap. And then — much excitement when his human brother arrives home from school! There is time for another short nap before dinner. Nigel pushes the dinner hour earlier and earlier with each passing year. Soon, dinner will be served at noon. After a nice evening walk with Mom and Dad, Nigel is ready for a night snoozing on the sofa.
Duchess Daisie Duke has almost mastered cuteness at its highest level – perfection! She works very hard to achieve it. Daisie Duke eats breakfast and has an early morning walk in the park, finishing both quickly so that she can rest and practice being cute. She has another walk in the park in the early afternoon, followed by more practice. Dinner at 5:30 is followed by another walk and more practicing the cute stuff. When it is time for bed, she snoozes in her upstairs bed, curled up under her “Thomas the Train” blanket. The Duchess lives a great life!
Daisie crossed the rainbow bridge on 19 June 2017. She was loved and will be missed immensely! Daisie suffers no more & is playing with Midnight, Dakota, Casey & Madison along with granddoggie Roxy….her memories are etched in our hearts forever along with our other loved ones.

As Carrie has gotten older, she likes to play and rest hard with a bit more sleeping. Her morning begins with coming downstairs for breakfast and having a morning potty break after the adults have gotten up and started their day. What she loves to do with her family is going for walks and going on camping trips where she gets to explore new places and meet new friends, both human and canine. Carrie loves most to snuggle with her family and wake her human brothers in the morning and give them kisses to help them start their day.
A very hungry early-bird Labbie in the morning, Luca is his family’s alarm clock. He wants breakfast! He sings, a mix of howling and barking, to get everyone’s attention. As soon as he finishes breakfast, he is back to his usual calm and lazy demeanor. Luca works hard at his owner’s side every day, usually with his eyes closed. He goes for a ride to pick up the kids at school and gets a long walk at lunch or after dinner. At night he often sleeps with the kids – all 106 pounds of Luca! His owners describe Luca as “born to be easy” and “an absolute joy since the day we got him.”
Bubs, an active 8-year-old labbie, loves the water. He swims once a week in a pool with his siblings – what a lucky guy! Generous Bubs helps other dogs by donating blood at a veterinary blood bank every six weeks. In addition to his doggie siblings, Bubs’ household has CATS!!!! Bubs tolerates them, but if they try to snuggle with them, he is afraid. He sleeps at the foot of his owners’ bed and is careful to not steal the covers.

Gianna was adopted in 2010 when she was about 3 years old. Nicknamed Gia, she is in excellent health. She has allergies that are controlled by medication and a grain-free diet. Gia is an early riser. She breakfasts at 4:45 a.m. after a walk around her neighborhood. Then she snoozes away the day on a Sleep Number bed until her owners arrive home from work. Her afternoon job is to walk to the mailbox and help her owner retrieve what the postman left. After dinner, she has another walk in the neighborhood. Weekends are spent at the beach or visiting with friends.
Tara is a 10-year-old Labbie who has a 3-year-old sibling. Much like other big sisters, she tolerates – but no more - the young’un and her activity level. Tara is a constant companion to her parents and loves nothing more than to be with them. Her favorite activities are sleeping, eating, and barking at everything she sees outside. Her health is good despite a few lumps and bumps.

Evie is a 7-year-old Labbie who was adopted by her family at age 4. A regal girl, she was first dubbed “Princess. More recently, she earned a new nickname: “Her Most Serene Highness, Evie Louise Wigglesworth Thumper. Her Highness is beloved by neighborhood children who visit with her when she walks through the neighborhood with Mom and Dad. Evie is not an early riser and sleeps in with the latest waking family member. Her evenings are spent watching the Pet Channel, curled up with Dad. Evie’s health is good. Though Lyme-positive, she displays no symptoms.
Dyna is a very generous, 7.5-year-old Labbie who has donated more than 35 pints of blood to a canine blood bank. She donates every 6 weeks. Dyna is in good health and to maintain her sleek figure, she swims twice a week at a local fitness center for dogs with her Labbie brothers, Brady and Bubs. She loves curling up for a snooze with the family cats and stealing the covers on Mom’s bed!

Sampson, known to all as Sammy, is a happy big boy. He weighs 101 pounds. His health is excellent, but to keep it that way, his family is trying to cut back on treats. Sammy is a lucky guy, because Dad works at home. He rises early for breakfast with Mom and squirrel patrol in the yard. He then prepares for the workday with Dad by taking a short nap. Sammy has a loaded toy bucket, but usually select his favorite – Nylabones, balls, and plush toys with a squeaker. His goal is to silence the squeaker on Day One! Sammy spends his evenings collecting hugs and belly rubs from Mom and Dad.