Hi – I’m Penny! You know what they say – “Find a Penny, Pick it up, All day -You’ll have good luck.” LRR did the finding and picking up part…so if you adopt me, we will both have good luck all day, every day! I am a three year old spayed yellow female, housebroken, crate-trained and up to date on all my shots. I’m a hearty Labbie at about 85 pounds.
LRR dogs come from all over, but I think my story is pretty unique. I had a family who kept me for about a year, but when they couldn’t take care of me any longer, they left me at their church. I lived there mostly outside for another two years, with a German shepherd buddy who recently found a family of his own. Lots of people would visit us and I liked them all. The people at the church were nice, but I really wanted a family, who would give me a nice warm house and lots of love and attention. The people at the church called LRR and I turned on the charm for the nice lady who came to see me.
You might have seen in my pictures that I have a cast on my left leg. LRR’s not certain how it happened, but my ACL ligament in my leg was torn when I arrived. I love to run and jump and play so it is really not a surprise I twisted it along the way. I had an operation to fix it and have been wearing a cast while it heals. My foster mom says it doesn’t slow me down at all. She keeps telling me that I’m on “restricted activity” but I don’t really understand what that means. My leg doesn’t hurt at all. With my cast off now, I am REALLY ready to go- not like RGIII ☺
I am a happy, happy girl and I love to play more than anything else. I especially like to play ball, though sometimes I get confused and take one that isn’t meant for me (from the Christmas tree). My foster mom keeps reminding me and I don’t give her a hard time when she takes the wrong ones away from me – I know that she is helping me learn. I like to play with other dogs and I also like to chew on bones and play with squeaky toys. I also love to help my people, so if you have things to do, I will just lay down near you and hang out while you do your work. I especially like to help my foster mom in the kitchen because she sometimes lets me taste test what she is cooking. I’m really good at that! My foster mom says I settle really nicely in the house; I do like a good nap. Oh – I also ride very nicely in the car. That’s a great place for taking a nap. I’m pretty good on a leash and I do enjoy walks.
So what do you think? Could I be your lucky Penny? If you think we could be a match for the New Year, send in your application. I’ll be watching!