READ MY UPDATED STORY! My name is Beanie. LRR isn’t sure how I got that name, but for now its the one I have. I am a 70lb, black male. I am neutered, have all of my vaccinations, I’m crate trained, and I love other dogs and I am good with kids. And I am 5 yrs old.
As you all know, we all have some sort of story, here’s mine. I lived with a family that loved me, but they split up. Amongst all of the changes in my life and theirs, I would get lost in the shuffle of things and I started jumping the fence. So, I ended up in the local shelter.
One of my former owners was a triathlete. I helped to train him, sometimes we would run, sometimes, we’d just jog a bit–I could keep up, but at 5 yrs old, I am slowing down and need a less activity. I also swim very well, but I don’t like pools so much, I prefer lakes or ponds.
Yes, I love to play with other dogs or go walking or chase a ball; but if you want to nap or watch movies, I am right there with ya! Nothing better than some down time. I can cuddle with the best of them.
I am good with dogs, and kids-love kissing them! My perfect home will have a dog to play with; or kids to keep me busy; and an interactive family that really wants me to be part of the action would make me really happy.
So, if you want that perfect medium energy dog, that is well behaved, fun, loves to cuddle, but can chase balls, and go for longs walks - send in your app. I’ll be checking the apps daily. Hope to meet you soon!
As you can see LRR, changed my bio a bit. You see, as we spend time in our foster homes and the LRR families really start to know us, they learn a lot about each of us. Its so important that everyone be aware of what each of labs is all about so our stories get updates and changes.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to meeting some new folks and getting a new home!