Loyal Order of Labradors™
The Loyal Order of Labradors™ (LOL) was established in 2003 by Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc. (LRR) to provide assistance to Adopters and their Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc. dogs aged seven years or older.

IN MEMORY OF BOZ, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN DECEMBER 2005. Boz was adopted from LRR 3/99 at age 7. He has had a VERY exciting life. He left LRR at an early age and went to work for US Customs, looking for drugs. After 5 years of protecting our country, he retired and came back to LRR and was adopted by a great family. He loves to go out on his boat with Mom & Dad and rests in the garden in the evenings–especially on the recently planted greenery. In hot weather he loves to lay on the cool kitchen floor, intercepting any accidental food droppings. (09/05)

IN MEMORY OF MOLLY, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN FEBRUARY, 2008. Molly was adopted from LRR 5/03 at age 5. She enjoys “play dates” with the other “kids” on her block at least once a week, sometimes they even play together twice in a week! At times she feels her age when her dysplasia acts up but her owner shares her Bufferin with her on bad days. Molly enjoys a short walk in the evening (cooler on her paws) and longer walks on the weekends. She’s going to be 8 on her next birthday, which explains why she gets tired sometimes, although her overall health is good. (09/05)

IN MEMORY OF SHADOW, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN JANUARY 2007. Shadow was adopted 11/96 from LRR at age 3 and is now (8/05) between 11 and 13 years old. Living in the Rockies’ dry climate, he is always smiling and energetic. He loves sleeping late; upon rising, he gets the newspaper for his doggie-daddy. Then it’s time to say good morning to all the neighbors, human and four-legged! Shadow’s favorite visitors are his owners’ grandchildren – time for gentle and loving play. (09/05)

IN MEMORY OF SADIE, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN APRIL 2007. Sadie came to her forever LRR home 6/99, when she was 1. She’s the “Early Bird’s” dream dog: she loves to get up at 5:30 a.m. and go outside to explore and chase rabbits or anything else that moves. She’ll play the “cookie lecture” game with her humans–a Glucosamine cookie waits on her paw for her humans to say that it’s okay to eat it–or will just sit or lie at their feet while they read or watch TV. (08/05)

IN MEMORY OF RUDY, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN DECEMBER 2009, AT THE AGE OF 12. Rudy was adopted from LRR at the age of three. Now seven, he spends his time keeping his brothers (LRR adoptees Rusty and Fletcher) in line. Rudy is also a foster brother to many dogs as they come into the rescue. He’s a great role model to every dog he meets. (5/05)

IN MEMORY OF SHANNON, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN AUGUST 2005. Shannon was adopted from LRR in January, 1995. Now 10 years old, she spends most of her time with her sister Bailey (an adopted beagle). Shannon enjoys running in the yard and chasing squirrels. When she’s not running or playing ball, Shannon relaxes on her bed with Baily. (3/05)

IN MEMORY OF BRADY. HE CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN OCTOBER 2009 AT AGE 14. Brady was adopted from LRR in 1996. Now a very handsome 8 year old, he enjoys being a couch potato and loves spending time with his family. (9/04)

IN MEMORY OF MONK, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN SEPTEMBER, 2004. Monk was a special friend to his family and brother Brady, who is also an LOL dog. Monk was loving and funny and enjoyed being a couch potato. Monk even did house visits for potential LRR adopters, and made himself at home for each and every visit. His family will miss him. (9/04)

IN MEMORY OF KOFI, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN SEPTEMBER 2009, AT AGE 12. Kofi was adopted in July of 1998. She now resides in Orlando, Florida where she enjoys the sun and swimming. Kofi and her four-legged brother and sister, Sasha and Summer, enjoy chasing herons and ducks by the lake. (6/04)

IN MEMORY OF MARTY, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN SEPTEMBER, 2009, AT THE AGE OF 15. Marty was adopted from LRR when he was four years old. Now nine, he’s doing great. Along with his regular morning walks, Marty likes to spend time outside with his people. And he looks forward to his afternoon walks with his dog walker from the neighborhood. At the end of a long day, Marty crashes in bed with his parents, and the cat! (5/04)

Buddy was adopted in 1995 at the age of 14 months. Buddy loved to go for walks and all of the neighborhood kids loved him. He greeted them all with tail wags and happiness. Buddy had arthritis and diabetes, but he lived a long happy life with people that truly loved him. He will be missed! (5/04)

IN MEMORY OF MAGGIE, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN NOVEMBER, 2008. Maggie was adopted in 2000 at the age of 4. She is in excellent health and runs around like she is still 4 yrs old. She takes her Dad for a walk everyday. Maggie loves to check out the “critters” in the backyard. (5/04)

IN MEMORY OF SOLOMON, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN OCTOBER 2008. Solomon was adopted in 1997 at the age of 2-1/2. He was diagnosed with glaucoma in 2004 and had one eye removed, but that didn’t seem to slow him down too much on his swimming and walks. (5/04) In 2005, glaucoma claimed Solomon’s other eye. Although he is now totally blind, Solomon still loves to swim and relax with his forever family. (08/05)

IN MEMORY OF COSMO, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN FEBRUARY, 2009 AT THE AGE OF 14. Cosmo was adopted in 2000 at the age of 5. He loves to go for walks. Cosmo also loves to chase tennis balls, but he has some dysplasia so he has slowed down a bit. If you have an LRR 2004 calendar - Cosmo is MR. JULY. (5/04)

IN MEMORY OF SHADOW, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN SEPTEMBER, 2006. Shadow was adopted in 1994 at the age of 10 months. Shadow loves to sleep late - then he pulls himself out of bed just in time for breakfast with his “kids”. He loves to lounge in the backyard on the trampoline too! Shadows favorite pastime is sleeping!! (5/04)

IN MEMORY OF NELLIE, WHO CROSSED THE RAINBOW BRIDGE IN JANUARY 2008, AT AGE 13. Miss Nellie was adopted at the age of 6 in 2000. She has 2 LRR brothers, Mac and Bert. She is the “queen bee” of the household and makes sure that things are in order and under control. Nellie loves to lounge with her people and watch TV. She is beginning to show some signs of arthritis - but it won’t keep her from enjoying some playtime! (5/04)